

Alfonso Martinez

Alfonso Martinez

Co-Director, Co-Founder

Freddy Nguyen

Freddy Nguyen

Co-Director, Co-Founder

Paul Cheek

Paul Cheek


Stephanie MacConnell

Stephanie MacConnell


The MIT COVID-19 Challenge was put together by nearly 200 volunteers from the greater MIT innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.  Each event gathered a core team of ~25-50 volunteers.  We extend our heartfelt thanks and extreme gratitude to the countless volunteers who answered the call the action and donated their time, their networks, their expertise, and their passion towards the MIT COVID-19 Challenge.

Team MemberInstitutionContact
Maelys Amat Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center LinkedIn
Leo Anthony Celi MIT, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School LinkedIn
Marie-Laure Charpignon MIT Social & Engineering Systems Program LinkedIn
Erin Duralde Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center LinkedIn
Gregoire Jacquot MIT Energy Initiative LinkedIn
Shrey Jain University of Toronto LinkedIn
Aaron Kaufman NYU Abu Dhabi - Political Science
Igor Korolev Roche, Health Data Science & Analytics Community LinkedIn
Yuan Lai MIT Urban Science and Planning LinkedIn
Barbara Lam Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center LinkedIn
Megan Lipcsey Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center LinkedIn
Eva Luo Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center LinkedIn
Alfonso Martinez MIT Sloan School of Management LinkedIn
Liam McCoy University of Toronto LinkedIn
Oren Mechanic Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center LinkedIn
Jack Mlabasati Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center LinkedIn
Sarah Newman Harvard University Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society LinkedIn
Freddy Nguyen MIT Hacking Medicine, MIT Innovation Initiative LinkedIn
Eric Yang MIT Sloan School of Management LinkedIn